The homage to Mauro Reggiani (Nonantola 1897- Milan 1980) testifies the long relation of respect and friendship that led Giulio Bargellini to collect the artist’s works since the 70’s.
Interprete della svolta astrattista sotto la spinta dei grandi protagonisti dell’avanguardia europea, è stato tra gli espositori della storica prima mostra dell’astrattismo italiano Exponent of the abstract turning point under the influence of the great protagonists of the European avant-garde, he was among the exhibitors of the first historical exhibition of the Italian abstract art at the Gallery Il milione in Milan in 1934, and among the signatories of the first Manifesto of Italian Abstract art, remaining coherently one of the major protagonists of this movement and getting important International awards.
His work is marked by a controlled composition order, orchestrated through clean geometries always reinterpreted in a spiritual way, suspended in atmospheres whose rigor longs for an almost architectural construction of spatial relations. The title “Composition”, often repeated in his works, testify the radical will to come out from the representation, in order to investigate the language of the vision in its absolute purity.