An extraordinary series of mosaics created between 1977 and 1978 confirms a particular moment of Josè Ortega’s production (Arroba de los Montes 1921 – Paris 1990), when, as a consequence of a meeting with Giulio Bargellini, mosaic lover and Ortega’s patron, the artist wanted to explore the possibilities of this technique creating a brand new series of works in collaboration with the Mosaicists Cooperative of Ravenna.


The experience, unique in the story of the Spanish artist, aimed to verify how a very ancient technique could conjugate itself with the contemporary expressive spirit. The mosaics deal with allegoric and popular subjects, often linked to the rural world to which the artist always paid particular attention, and highlight the use of non-precious materials, avoiding glass or golden pastes from the Byzantine tradition and preferring, instead, natural materials as river pebbles and porphyry, according to a precise expressive choice linked to the research of severe solidity and to the memory of pre-Christian mosaic techniques.
As a mark of the conception and planning path are also exposed the original cardboard from which the mosaics were drawn.


Josè Ortega (Arroba de los Montes, 1921 – Paris, 1990) was born in a small Castilian village from which he moved to Madrid when he was very young, in order to begin his artistic career. Soon involved in the anti-Franco movement, during the Spanish Civil war he used painting to express his solidarity with the popular anti-Nazi militia in the streets of the city; his political commitment led him to a sentence of ten years’ imprisonment, of which he served five years. In the second postwar period he started to make several journeys of study and work in Paris and in other countries, without ever abandoning the political activity. For his life marked by civil commitment and exile, but also by a large production in graphic art, ceramic and painting, he won the gold medal at the International Congress of Art critics, headed by Giulio Carlo Argan in 1963. Ha has exhibited in important international contexts.