The collection is dedicated to a book, entitled The Whims, conceived and published in 1979 by Giulio Bargellini, a great friend and historical collector of Sergio Vacchi’s works.
Realized on Japanese paper in limited edition, the book was born from a series of works of equal size created by the artist in 1976, and it is accompanied by several poems by Italian intellectual as Dario Bellezza, Giuliana Calandra, Piera Degli Esposti, Andrea B. Del Guercio, Cesare Garboli, Elio Petri, Amelia Rosselli, Roberto Roversi, Roberto Sanesi, Leonardo Sciascia, Enzo Siciliano, Roberto Tassi, Paolo Volponi.
In the explicit quotation of the homonymous series by Goya, Vacchi echoes the themes of death, eccentricity and irrational that we invariably find in his paintings, which are filled with presences and surreal apparitions, alluring or disturbing, suspended in chromatic, indefinable and dismayed atmospheres, dumbfounded in the enigma of secret bonds between everyday objects, animals, bodies.